Smart Tips and Tricks to Use Outdoor Gravel in an Aquarium

Decorating an aquarium has always been a confusing task for the owners. Maybe, you recently went to a beach and found an extraordinary pebble. Now, you wish to place the pebble in your aquarium. Probably you are confused because you don’t want the stones to harm your fishes in anyway. Decorating the aquarium with outdoor gravels is also a budget-friendly way to give an elegant look to your tank, but there are you need to follow the dos and don’ts for that.

Know the Categorization of Outdoor Rocks

Selection of outdoor stones depends on several matters, and experts have done a categorization of these outdoor stones and rocks to make your selection even easier. According to their opinions, limestone, marble, dolomite will always be a big NO for the aquarium. If you are keeping a freshwater aquarium, crushed coral will also be NO for you. Crushed coral is considered as excellent gravel for the saltwater tanks.

On the other hand, slate, lava rocks, granites and quartz are highly recommended by the experts as gravels. It is a general guideline to skip the stones with sharp edges. Also, you are advised to skip the fragile stones.

However, you are recommended to go through the testing process even for the stones which are given a clean chit by the experts. If you want to give wings to hour hobby of collecting pebbles and stones and also to enhance the beauty of the aquarium, take a look at the guidelines of testing the stones below:

Test the Outdoor Gravels before Placing Then In Tank

Calcium Taste

Clean the stones right after collecting to remove the dirt in it. You can scrub it using soft towels. There are different chemicals available in the market which you can use for this testing purpose. Alternatively, if you have a tight budget, you can use vinegar. You need to apply a few drops of vinegar on the stone you are planning to use as the gravel. In case, you see foams to form on the stone, do not use that. It is a sign of calcium in the stone that reacts when comes in touch with vinegar and creates the foam.

pH Test and Dissolving Test

Prepare a small tub with water that same temperature, pH level and salinity of your aquarium water. Put the stones in that water and check for the pH level for a week. If you notice a change in pH level, don’t use that.
Additionally, if you see the stones are leaving the particles in water, don’t even try to use it. You are also recommended not to use the stones if the stones are getting softened after coming contact with the aquarium water.
Remember, it is a risky task to use the outdoor gravels in your aquarium, and you need to make sure these rocks will not do any harm to the fish. It has to be the first and foremost requirement for using outdoor gravels in aquarium. Also remember, that these outdoor gravels need to provide support to the fishes and help the algae to grow. Be sure that the stones promote health to the livestock.

Everything Else About the Outdoor Gravels

Where is the ideal place to get the gravel other than the pet shop? It seemed to be a big question for the aquarium owners. There is no second opinion that the stones available in the beaches are the best option other than the fish shops. Experts have mentioned that any riverbed or river banks can give you a variety of pebbles to place in your aquarium. Please fix a budget before selecting the stones. It is also recommended to test the stones even after purchasing from the shops because the aquarium water has the chances to react right after coming contact with the stones. You can purchase the stones home decor companies too.


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